ブラジル宇宙機関, Cyclone-4プロジェクトからの撤退する計画を認める

ブラジル外務省からの正式発表は間近とのこと。Alcantara Cyclone Space プロジェクトは、衛星打上げを事業化しようとして設立されたが、商業打ち上げのみで事業を成立させるのは難しいとの結論に至った。

“Do you really believe launchers make money in any part of the world? I don’t believe so. If the government doesn’t buy launches and fund the development of technology, it does not work,” he said.

“Everybody talks about SpaceX [of Hawthorne, California] like it’s magic, somehow different. It’s no different. Their connections with NASA have been important. If NASA had stopped the funding, where would they be? I really appreciate what they are doing, but I doubt whether launch bases can make money and survive on their own without government support.”